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Jennifer Quinalty, MS, CCC-SLP

Speech-Language Pathologist

Jennifer holds a Master of Science in Communication Disorders (MS) and a Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders. With an impressive 22 years of experience, she also has training in Beckman, TalkTools, Therapeutic Listening (Certified Provider), KSPT, Food Chaining, DIR FloorTime, and LAMP Words For Life.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Jennifer indulges in various hobbies and passions. She enjoys a good cup of coffee, immersing herself in reading, going for bike rides, hiking, and enjoying moments by the lake. She also has a passion for fitness and nutrition. Jennifer's favorite saying, "Love God, Love People. The End," reflects her values and the compassionate approach she brings to both her professional and personal life. She takes immense pride in her two children, who serve as an inspiration for her to pursue what she loves.

Described as compassionate, dedicated, and organized, Jennifer's commitment to her profession shines through in all aspects of her work as a speech-language pathologist. She finds great joy in witnessing the milestones and goals achieved by the sweet kiddos she works with. Their progress and accomplishments bring her a sense of fulfillment and make her job deeply rewarding. The positive impact she makes on their lives, as they achieve their goals, fills her with happiness.

Jennifer Quinalty, MS, CCC-SLP
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